Is Life Work?

I was talking to Mr. BMP (see first post for reference) and we usually meet once a week to do things around the house since you cannot clean/renovate/think on the weekends with three little ones running around. So, we agreed on once a week during lunch time, we will get together and do these things.

I understand we both have commitment to our “real” jobs/career so it might be common to not start on time or might need to cancel. However, Mr. BMP would put us as “lesser” priority, per se, and take care of his own business and if he shows up an hour late, he shows up an hour late. His thought is that “as long as we get it done, does it matter when we do it?” And my response was “NO! You do not show up 1 hour late to a meeting with your boss. You have to give your boss a heads up. I have other commitments also. If you just show up an hour late at work, you will probably be talked to.”

This got me thinking. Is Life Work? Is my relationship with Mr. BMP, family, and friends work? We need to speak politely, be punctual, keep them front and center of life, manners, etc? When do we “relax”? When can we drop everything and take off our masks and be ourselves?

If I was to be rated in life – I wonder what my rating is. What is your rating?

How would your boss rate you?

How would your parents rate you?

How would your SO rate you?

How would your kids rate you?

How would your friends rate you?

How would your family (siblings, in laws, etc) rate you?

How would you rate your own self (self-care)?

If I have to rate myself I think this is my order (from doing well to not doing so hot): Work, kids, SO, friends, parents, family, self — reality hits…I need to reorganize my priorities.

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